Creative Alchemy
Sunflower Club with James McCrae
Cory Allen | Where Mindfulness Meets Creativity

Cory Allen | Where Mindfulness Meets Creativity

Sunflower Club is a podcast about the healing power of creativity. Today’s guest is Cory Allen, a writer, author, musician, and meditation teacher who applies the ancient principles of mindfulness to modern life.

In this episode, Cory and James discuss their personal creative practices, including their process for writing both books and social media content, and how developing a mindfulness practice can jumpstart your creativity.

Cory's Instagram
Now is the Way – Cory's book

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Creative Alchemy
Sunflower Club with James McCrae
Sunflower Club is a podcast about creative transformation. Hosted by bestselling author James McCrae (@wordsarevibrations), we talk with writers, artists, thinkers, and creatives from diverse disciplines and backgrounds to offer healing and inspiration for the inner artist.