Gotta love a good ol’ aya gut cleanse 🤘🏼✨

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Haha yesss

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So beautifully said. Thank you for this, James. I signed up for your writing course. Can’t wait!

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Thank you! 💜

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Yes! I see how art as a therapeutic practice plays out in my life and the lives of my children. I write, my youngest daughter draws, and my oldest daughter crafts and I can see the flow of expression manifest in them and me. For me, sometimes it has been messy, other times profoundly peace-filled. Always helpful, whether it is shared or kept in a closed journal.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this and supporting others who may not have discovered how art can heal!

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What I tried to capture but just can't you have...creating is integral to expression of self and working through so much of life's joys and sorrows. Thank you for this.

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Thank you! 💜

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I love and live this.


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